Monday, April 20, 2020

What a f*cking messed up dream I just had

First of all, I was at an office that I got a job I'm not qualified for, we're social distancing right now (hello you in the future reading this, we're in the middle of a pandemic) so it's weird that I was physically there, but then I almost set the place on fire by using some device they had to design objects (again, not qualified for this job). When I realized I almost set the place on fire, I took my things and ran away. Funny thing was that I just went in without introducing myself or anything because I knew I was taking the job of someone else who would be a better fit... as I left I bumped into the girl from the movie IT... apparently we knew each other and I offered her a ride (which I checked if I had the keys because I didn't remember having a car, the keys had the same keychain I had for my last car keys in 2016) but first I went to McDonalds (I was craving it because we're social distancing and I haven't been there, or any other places, in weeks ... ????) and ordered a cheeseburger and apple pie. It was not an easy task as I bumped into other friends there who cut the line and ordered before me. I finally ordered and for some reason I had fries in my backpack so I only asked for a cup and the woman gave me a bag of popcorn (???) and I was like "no no, I just need the container" and she said "jut get a cup for pop from over there" and I though "OMG! Duh!". When I went to get one, I picked up what I thought was a standard McDonalds large paper cup but turned out it was a brown plastic coffee cup with a handle and there was foamy coffee inside, so I started drinking it to empty it for the fries! LOL. I got distracted for some reason after this (it's a dream), I left and went somewhere else. My friend from "IT" had to get the order for me, I apologized for leaving and as we made our way to my "car", I was suddenly in a cab/uber with my roommate Leis. Then my friend Michelle called and I saw her outside from the window laying on the ground, her fiancé was standing next to her just watching. On the phone she told me something that I couldn't understand. I thought I heard that her uncle died and she was very upset. I told her "I'm so sorry Michelle" and teleported myself next to her and kept asking her "What are you doing?" As she was laying on the ground like on real grass and dirt IN THE RAIN, it was all mucky! And I know Michelle, she would never (meanwhile Arthur is just watching us) so I kept asking "What are you doing?" over and over UNTIL (that's when it gets weird... weirder) some guy with A GUN showed up and Michelle lifted her head to see what was going on and I just whispered "Stay still" to her as I tried to leave the scene without being noticed but he saw me and SHOT ME, I ran so it only got the side of my hand but he shot a couple more times WTF... I kept moving and hid in like a pit (idk how to explain) and waited for him to disappear. I forgot to mention that when I ran from him I saw Leis running towards me, I think she just left the cab/uber and in my head she came back to ask me why did I got off the car (when I saw Michelle) like she was angry at me for doing that but I ran and never found out. After I hid, I started walking aimlessly to get away from this guy but I could see he was always close by... then I saw a couple walking up the hill I was at and I tried to warn them but the guy saw them and fired a few more shots... after this I saw myself with more other people and this guy was close to me but his gun this time was producing fire, somehow I took the gun from him and "shot" him, it didn't work the first time (as I never used a gun in my life) so I "pulled the trigger" and tried again and this time it worked but nothing happened to him. Then one of the women who was there told me to tell him something about hell so he would be free of possession and so I realized I was in the middle of a satanic cult/ritual ... I don't remember leaving but I was back with Michelle and Arthur, telling them all of what happened, I showed them my hand and all my bruises (I could feel the side of my body burn, which is crazy, I was dreaming!) and they were very concerned. I told them I needed to go home and call the police to give them a description of the guy, but they told me no, "you're going to our house, it's closer"... and that's all I can remember.


Friday, March 7, 2014

So creepy

I was poor and had 4 children and just bought a new bed for them, like a double bed where all of then were going to sleep together. So they laid down to check the bed and I wanted to take a picture to stabilize where each one were going to sleep, like what order, it was 3 girls and a boy, they were all little, the boy was rhe youngest and he had blond hair, the oldest girl was like 8. So I climbed the bed and went to take a picture of them from above their heads, laying down, it was a polaroid kinda camera, when I took the picture everyone gasped except the oldest girl, everyone looked at her when the photo was taken. Then the picture came out of the camera but I was too scared to look at it, I told the children to see it for me, when we finally could see what it was, the picture was normal, except the kids looked scared and there was like a floating picture of the oldest girl near her and she was disfigured in the picture, like she had a car accident or something. After that a 5th person showed up in the photo and it was me, but I looked different, and then the me in the picture smiled at me!!!! Hjslakdjja I freaked out. Weirdest dream for sure!

Friday, July 5, 2013

I suck at writing

I just suck at writing, I never know what I have to write about or how! He says we have to write about the films, I managed to write about one of them with around 500 words, I need about 800 each film and he told me to write about only one particular scene, WTF. How am I supposed to do that? I can't even manage 800 about a whole film, he also said I've only described it and idk how am I supposed do it otherwise, I asked if I had to show my opinion or what and he just said stuff I couldn't understand, I don't even remember what he said anymore. Fml

Is it the film? Is it what I think about it? Is it about the design? Do I have to describe it or write about what I think it means? I asked these things and he said stuff I couldn't understand hahaha he was kinda describing how war affect people's lives (the films are about civilians during war) and I'm just sitting there looking at him like he's speaking greek, idk what to do. I guess I have to write about how the film shows their struggles to adapt to war times.. Idk I have to try at least (although that's what I thought I was doing)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

(yesterday was) possibly the worst day of my life

It was a normal day until about 4 PM when I burned my hand trying to open a bottle, yes burned. I tried to turn the lid and it was fucking glued or something, I had to use a scalpel to open it (and I was freaking thirsty) wtf.. I was at Uni and at night I was going to have dinner with some friends and I wanted to go home first, but there were some stuff I had to print that couldn't wait so I went to the media room to do it really quick and it was closed (of course) so I went to the library and the computer was magically fast but when I went to the printer it didn't print my pages because there were other things in the queue because it was out of paper (I still had like 15 min before the second last bus, so I could get the last one to go to the train station, it's the same bus line), I really needed those things printed so I went to the front desk and asked the lady to take a look at the printer and after she (slowly) figured out what happened she gave my money back and told me to send the pages to print again. Of course this time the computer was slow and of course the printers weren't there for me to select them, for some reason, so I though "fuck this shit, I'll come back tomorrow" (see, I didn't want to go to Uni the other day only to print stuff, now I'll have to) so I ran for the bus and missed it, of course! I waited for the last one then, it was 6 PM and I was supposed to be at the train station by 6 PM, but that's ok, don't panic, the restaurant reservation was for 7.30, which was the exact time I got there!! (Of course for that to happen I had to walk 15 minutes in the rain to get to the train station cuz I missed the fucking bus and in the process I lost the band-aid that was holding my broken nail together, so basically I got there on time, soaked and with a nail peeling off of my finger, ouch). In the train I got a text from my friend cancelling our plans for next Monday that we were planning for ages, now I'll have to do it aaaall byyy myyyyseeeeelf don't wanna be. During dinner I got my period, how great, TMI I know, but that was ALL I NEEDED! Because after that I was going to meet other friends at a club and cramps started, woooo loving this day, can you tell? Thankfully this girl that was with us had some tylenol in her purse, she won't read this but THANKS GURL! I went to the club and of course no one was there yet, I waited for about 30 min until they showed up. It wasn's bad, despite my cramps it was fun and we ran for the bus on our way back home, of course, almost missed it lol! Got home just fine with buzzing ears. Oh yeah, I also had an argument with Misty Boyce's bum on twitter #unnecessary. Something really awesome has to happen soon or I'll start thinking someone's doing some voodoo with me or some shit. Who taught you the voodoo that you do?

Friday, March 1, 2013

The amount of details in this dream is just ridiculous...

Just woke up from a dream about Misty, we were texting and everything. The weirdest part was that Alexz was there and I ignored her completely. For some reason Misty didn't live in NY, so we went to Alexz's house (Alexz had moved out). It started when I was at a store, I was in line to buy something and I saw Alexz from the corner of my eye and someone poked me, it was Misty, she asked if I was busy next Wednesday, She wanted to throw a party for the website (?). She was sitting at a booth, like at a diner, with Alexz, Jess, Vanessa (Alexz's friend) and a friend of mine from Brazil lol wtf. He then greeted tme and made fun of me because I was looking for the calendar on my phone. Suddenly Misty dragged me into a bus, to go to Alexz's house (the house was huge). In the bus I was on my phone trying to find out if I was busy next Wednesday, but I couldn't get to the calendar (you know when in dreams we can't do stuff) and Misty wanted to see what it was, and I didn't want to show her, but I saw it was in Portuguese so I said "eh.. Okay, you won't understand anyways" so I had what was written on my hand, like, it appeared written in ink, on my hand. She read it and said "oh I know how to read Portuguese", so she read correctly but didn't know the meaning (it was something I read on twitter yesterday, or something I thought I read there but actually also dreamed it lol). So we arrived at Alexz's house and Misty told me about the party and told me to go away and I said "how?? You brought me here by bus!" then she said "oh idk, I only knew how to get here, you go figure out" and told this woman to help me. I waited outside, where the women told me so (but she didn't tell me which bus to catch) and Misty texted me the number of the bus and something like "the worst that could happen is you would be stuck with Misty tonight!", I texted her back "oh no, anything but THAT! Haha jk" with a lot of typos haahhaha. Then I woke up. Thank you very much. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Speaking of dreams...

Last night I dreamed that I moved in with Alexz and Jess. I had just arrived and everyone was asleep, for some reason I didn't go into the house, I was walking outside, I guess because I didn't want to wake anyone, but I wanted to go to the kitchen ... I walked around the house and noticed that the window in Alexz's room faced the road, and she woke up and saw me with that sleepy face like "why did you wake me up?". I felt guilty but decided to go in and went straight to the kitchen. I have no idea how, but suddenly the 3 of us were walking outside and then Jess remembered something and wanted to go back, but she wasn't Jess anymore, she was someone else, she was (physically) my friend Taís from Brazil, but she was still Jess ... does that make sense? Hahaha anyway we went back home and she (Jess / Taís) said that she had to confess something, she started to tell us something about having a health ploblem, like allergies ... then I woke up. Ha.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dorgas Manolo!

Bom dia, ou não...

Essa noite tive um sonho LONGO (como podem ver pelo tamanho do post) e maluco (para variar).

Obviamente não me lembro como começa, mas eu estava em alguma cidade do exterior viajando com a minha amiga Fê e perdi meu bilhete do metrô/trem. O meu bilhete era daqueles ilimitados por um certo período e o da Fê não, então eu perguntei pra ela "Como funciona o seu bilhete? Eu perdi o meu". Aí ela passou o bilhete dela na catraca duas vezes (depois de entrar) e a catraca imprimiu uma foto do Snow (meu gato) numa folha sulfite, hahahaha, e a Fê disse: "Pronto, aqui está seu bilhete, vc pode usar uma vez, mas depois tem que carregar". Passei pela catraca e começamos a procurar uma máquina pra carregar o meu bilhete.

Nesse meio tempo apareceu uma menina que se formou comigo e falou que a mãe dela tinha morrido no dia da nossa formatura, que foi horrível porque quando ela saiu da festa o caixão da mãe dela estava lá fora e como estavam todos bêbados, começaram a tacar coisas nela e no caixão e ela ficou muito triste. Essa cena eu vi tipo num flashback, no meu sonho, hahahaha.

Voltando ao bilhete, coloquei uma nota de $50 na máquina e ela não aceitou porque quando percebi, era um telefone público, huahuahua! Do lado tinha a máquina certa e quando fui lá ela estava aberta, tipo, dava pra pegar todo o dinheiro que estava dentro dela. Mas o dinheiro estava grudado, tinha que destacar uma nota da outra. Só tinha um bolo de notas que já estavam destacadas e as notas eram amarelas e rosas (tipo banco imobiliário hahahaha). Daí eu falei "Chamem a polícia antes que alguém veja isso aberto e queiram roubar!!!" Daí a Fê (sim ela estava comigo todo esse tempo) foi atrás de alguém enquanto formava-se uma fila atrás de mim. Uma mulher viu o dinheiro e eu falei pra ela "Vamos dividir o dinheiro desse bolo aqui e aí vc não conta pra ninguém, tá?" e ela aceitou! Hauhauhauahuaha! Dividi o monte em dois e a Fê chegou.

No final das contas não carreguei meu bilhete mas cheguei numa festa não sei como, pulei essa parte. Nem sei que festa foi essa, fiquei o tempo todo no banheiro tentando contar o dinheiro do bolo que eu peguei. Eu não consegui contar de jeito nenhum! Eu estava sentada no chão e passaram várias pessoas por lá, pelo visto o banheiro era unissex. Uma hora o "meu" dinheiro sumiu e eu acusei um casal que estava lá de roubá-lo porque o cara estava contando dinheiro, e eu disse: "Esse dinheiro é meu!" Ele respondeu: "Não, é meu! Vc vai achar o seu, continua procurando" e eu achei mesmo!

A Fê tinha me deixado sozinha lá no banheiro e aparecia de vez em quando contando o que estava acontecendo na festa (não lembro de nada que ela falava). Na última vez que ela veio, ela me deu uma bala (igual aquelas balas brancas de casamento que tem amendoa dentro). Pus a bala na boca, coloquei o dinheiro na bolsa e levantei. Quando olhei direito para o banheiro, estava todo sujo e em uma das privadas tinha sangue (ugh!). Daí eu falei: "Nossa, tô muito tonta!" e a Fê falou: "É claro, o que vc acha que é essa bala que eu te dei?". Daí eu entrei em desespero, hahahahahaha!! Cuspi a bala e comecei a gritar!!! Daí a Fê falou: "Não, espera aí, vc tem que chupar essa bala aqui também, pra fazer o efeito certo!" (Era uma bala igual, só que vermelha). E eu: "NÃÃÃÃOOO!!!" e me joguei no chão!

Daí eu acordei... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sonho ou pesadelo?

Eu tava na casa do Vini, mas ele não estava e o cachorro dele tava lá, mas o cachorro dele morreu, já começou estranho. Eu deduzi então que era um cachorro novo e deram o mesmo nome (achei super sem noção e falta de respeito na hora, hahahaha). Daí o Vini chegou (eu estava conversando com a mãe dele). Mas ele chegou pela varanda usando uma capa (?) e assustou a gente. Depois disso a gente foi dormir (tudo isso aconteceu no quarto dele que aliás nem tem varanda). Quando eu deitei eu vi que um cara de capa tinha chegado pela varanda (de novo) e avisei o Vini "Olha é o Mr. Jones". Mas o cara sumiu. De uma hora pra outra e por algum motivo a gente tava procurando a mãe dele pela casa toda e quando eu entrei na cozinha, eu vi o Mr. Jones escondido no box (sim no box, a cozinha virou banheiro) e ele tinha os olhos pretos (igual os demônios de Supernatural). Aí eu gritei!! Nós fomos pra lá, eu entrei no box, peguei uma faca que surgiu do nada e matei ele com uma facada no pescoço, e nem me abalei. A faca era igual a faca do Outback.


Boa semana.

Ps.: Mr. Jones é uma música da Alexz Johnson.